Happy Thanksgiving!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year at home and have many things to be thankful for - especially our family and friends and being able to all spend time together. This year my family came to our house. I wish I could take credit for the thanksgiving meal, but Grandma did most of the preparations while I was at work. My parents (Grandma & Grandpa) came in town the Monday before and Debbie arrived with Abigayle & Walter on Wednesday. Uncle Chad had a boys weekend with his son Landon, and we missed them. We had a big Thanksgiving feast on Thursday for lunch and spent the afternoon making turkey sugar cookies. We started this tradition last year, and always have lots of fun decorating and making a mess. We can't wait to see everyone again in a few weeks for Christmas!
Claire posing with her adorable Gobble Gobble Turkey shirt from Aunt Peggy & Karen.
Notice everyone has a stuffed animal in this picture...Claire has an animal with her at all times now, and wanted to share!
Aunt Debbie & Claire cheese it up for the camera.
Time to decorate turkey cookies...each made with our own individual hand print.
This is very serious.
Grandma's won best decorated....
...and Abby's won MOST decorated!
After all that food, Walter & Daisy passed out!
The Park with Hayes & Tanner
Claire and I recently had an off day from work and school for Veteran's Day. We met our friends Whitney, Hayes & Tanner at chick-fil-a for lunch and then went to Wald Park near our house to play. The kids had a great time playing together....and Hayes and Claire were so cute. Hayes would hold Claire's hand to help her over the bridge, and they even gave each other a hug when it was time to go....sweet little ones! We miss getting to hang out with Whitney, Joey, Hayes & Tanner...but now that everyone is working and on different schedules it's more difficult. Hopefully we can get together again soon to play!
"Hayes....I need help!"
Fearless Hayes to the rescue!
Look....no hands!
Tanner & Claire enjoying the swings.
Tanner can't wait until he's old enough to run around and play with his big brother.
The best picture we could get of all 3!
"But mom...we're not ready to leave!"
Big Hugs...I love it!
Claire's 1st Football Game
Claire went to her first Auburn football game for AU's Homecoming. The weather was perfect, Claire did great, and Auburn WON! We couldn't have asked for a better day. We were a little worried how she would do in the stadium - especially since it was around nap time, but she had fun and we made it through the 1st half. She took her Aubie stuffed animal with her into the game and wanted to show everyone around us what Aubie says....War Eagle of course!! Claire can't wait to be an Auburn Tiger herself one day.
Claire says "War Eagle....Let's Go"On our way to Jordan-Hare.
Clapping for the tigers!
It's Fall - and leaves are everywhere!


Ready to go trick or treating....

Claire helped Daddy rake leaves one afternoon....she used her small yellow cup to dump them into the trash can...needless to stay - it took a while!
So, I realize Halloween was over a month ago, but I have to include a few pictures of our little ballerina. I loved dressing Claire up in her pink leotard and tutu and can't wait until she starts taking dance classes one day. I'm sure she's going to love it! :-) Claire had a lot of fun playing with her classmates at the Halloween school party and trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. She still didn't say "trick or treat" at the door (even though she would say it at home), but enjoyed getting candy - looks like she's going to have her mommy's sweet tooth.
Stickers from the witches brew.
Claire is ready for some snacks!
Claire and Daddy in her witch hats from school!
On our way to the first house....Claire rides in style.
Trick or Treat
Pink Laffy Taffy's were her favorite!
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