Everyone at our house is definitely getting excited about the holidays. I personally love Christmas and all of the decorations. We finished our decorating the weekend after Thanksgiving and have enjoyed seeing the lights every day when we come home. This year we went with James' family to Beaver Tree Farm to chop down our own tree.....it was a lot of fun. Claire wanted to get a tree her size - about 3 feet tall - but we finally settled on a 7 foot one for our living room. Of course Claire didn't come home empty handed.........we ended up chopping down a small "baby" cedar tree from Granny & Paw Paw's backyard and decorated it with popcorn garland! Now if I can finish up our Christmas shopping, we'll be ready to sit back and enjoy the holiday season!

Off to find the perfect tree.....James already knew this would take a while!

Notice Claire likes to hang out with the trees her size.

This is it!

Our front door.

And our decorated tree!
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