Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Night Night!

I think this is just the cutest story:
We recently started putting Claire back to bed again while she's still awake. For the past 2 months we were rocking her to sleep because she felt so bad with her ear infections and fever. Well, now that she's feeling better, we've gone back to our old routine. It didn't take long for Claire to remember that when it's time for "night, night", we read books and then she gets in her crib. So, last night we were playing in the living room after bath time, as usual, and all of a sudden around 8:30, she just started saying "night, night.......night, night." She then walked to her bedroom and grunted for help to get up in the glider where we read. I thought it was too precious. It's so much fun putting her to bed. She enjoys her books so much, and definitely has an opinion about which one she wants to read. She is growing up!