Friday, February 6, 2009

Claire's surgery

Hi everyone! We just wanted to let you know that Claire had tubes put in her ears yesterday. We went to see her Pediatrician the week before and she still had double ear infections. This made 6 since September. We immediately saw an ENT the next day and scheduled her surgery for the following Thursday, which was yesterday! Claire was definitely a big girl through the whole thing and did great. I was a little concerned since she couldn't have anything to eat or drink (even water) after midnight the day before and her surgery wasn't until 9:45am, but she did wonderful. Once they took her back for the actual surgery and I had to leave her in pre-op, she was finished 10 minutes later and back with us pretty quickly. She slept most of the day afterwards and was her happy self this morning and ready for school! We hope this will keep those nasty ear infections away for good or at least a long time! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Kelcei Chamberlain said...

I'm so glad to hear the surgery wasn't bad, Heather! Hopefully sweet Claire will have some relief now!