So, now for the good part of the post....our super fun vacation at Aunt Debbie & Uncle Chad's house in Charleston, SC. We went to the pool, beach, name it. The only thing we had to cut out was a shopping trip, but that may have been a good thing. I have TONS of pictures from our vacation, but will try to narrow it down as much as possible. Thanks to Grandma for joining us and driving AND Debbie & Chad for the great hospitality. We were so upset Grandpa and Daddy James couldn't join us on this trip. James stayed home to work (but don't feel too sorry for him, he still managed to fish, swim, and attend 2 birthday parties) and Grandpa took care of things at home. Next time the guys will have to join us.....and take advantage of Debbie and Chad's backyard which just happens to be a golf course.

Claire wore Abby's flip flops everywhere (even the water).....she loves some shoes!

Proof that Claire actually liked the sand this time. WOW!
Someone always has to get buried in the sand...this time it's Abby.Don't lose the kite....which we did once, and our floats about 50 times. It was really windy.
Everyone wanted to hold the kite.....looks like we need more than one next year.
More fun in the sand.Grandma just dug right in with the little ones.
Our little beach hunk!
Ready, set, go!
Snack break (Claire always smiles for a capri-sun)
I don't think we could carry anything else!
Baywatch girls to the rescue
Downtown Charleston....on our way to the aquarium. (hey...Grandma made it in a picture)
Abby's not afraid of the sharks.All of the kids loved the snakes....ick!

Captain Walter T

Watch out for the shark!!!Oh boy....we found a place to play!
Claire's reaction when we told her it was time to go.
...see the fish!
Everyone does their scary shark face:
Oh no....the shark got Abby & Walter.
but, Claire doesn't seem too concerned!
Our vacation is over...we'll miss you guys!
Unfortunately now it's back to work and school as usual....but we're looking forward to Claire's 2nd birthday in just a couple of weeks! Will post more soon!