Friday, July 9, 2010

July 4th!

We had a wonderful holiday weekend celebrating our country's independence! Thank you to all of the service men and women! On Saturday morning we drove to Montgomery to celebrate with family on the Alabama River. It was a great time filled with barbecue, baby pools, slip-n-slide, fishing and LOTS of boat riding on Granny & Paw Paw's boat. Claire sported her new life-jacket and had a lot of fun. So much fun, she slept until 8:30 on the 4th and 9:30 the day after! Whoo hoo! Mommy & Daddy enjoyed sleeping in for the first time in a LONG time. Saturday night, we went out on cousin Lester & Laura's boat to watch the fireworks on the river. It was gorgeous and the water is so peaceful at night. The morning of the 4th, more family joined us and we spent the day outside catching up with everyone and eating, eating, eating! I love having an excuse to bake and eat more sweets than usual. "If you can't eat an extra cup-cake on the 4th of July....when can you?" (right, James?) Late that afternoon we headed back to Birmingham in hopes to go watch the Thunder on the Mountain fireworks. Unfortunately, we were too tired to make it, but at least we saw some the night before. Monday was spent relaxing at home and enjoying an extra day off! What a great weekend!

The little ones couldn't wait on the water before jumping in.

Ready for another boat ride! Doesn't Claire look stylish in Aunt Cara's shades?
This was no simple baby came with a basketball goal and fun!
Claire thinks slip-n-slide consists of running all the way down... ...until Aunt Cara offers to pull her on the float.

Being silly on our day off. Claire loves her accessories!

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